
The Your Weight Matters National Convention #YWM2014 Together We S.H.I.N.E.

Back in the beginning of the year when I first started mentioning the "Your Weight Matters" 2014 National Convention brought to you by the Obesity Action Coalition the September date seemed so far off. Time is flying and we're nearing this awesome event. I think it's time to remind everyone why they need to make it a priority to attend.

This year's theme is Together We S.H.I.N.E. Support, Health, Inspiration, Networking and Education.

In my opinion, those are many of the key elements in winning the daily battles in this war against obesity and excess weight we are fighting. Support for dealing with the feelings, emotions and the major changes that take place as we embrace a new healthier life is sometimes trickier than we imagine, often our usual go-to people may be less understanding or helpful than we would like, heck some sadly even try and sabotage efforts. There is something so comforting to be in a room of people who respect and understand our struggles in a way no one else can because they are on the battlefield with you. You will feel that sense of community, hear fellow attendees stories and those stories and that kinship will inspire you. I have made lifelong friendship at this event and I look forward to making new ones with some of you. You will walk away from the weekend armed with a network of new inspiring friendships along with evidence-based education and knowledge about health, weight management, nutrition, emotional well-being, body image, fitness, awesome tools and information that you can put into practice in your life right away.

Attending is an investment in YOU.  I hope to see you there!

The dates, details, important links...

#YWM2014 The Your Weight Matters National Convention
September 25-28 in Orlando, FL

Event Web Site
Hotel Info & Discount Pricing - Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld
We've got an Official Facebook Event Page and are starting to chit chat: Talking about what speakers they are looking forward to most, some are sharing costume ideas... Friday night we are dressing in costumes from our favorite decade, people are looking for roommates, talking about flight deals, come join in the fun.
Sign up for e-alerts to get all the 411 as it happens in your inbox.
Follow hashtag #YWM2014 on Twitter (this will be used during the event a lot.)
For more about the Obesity Action Coalition and the good works done on behalf of those affected by obesity. I am proud to serve on their National Board of Directors.
Are you a professional who needs CEU's - they are available.

Can't afford to go? The OAC wants to change that: Scholarships are available (Hurry This Friday is the application deadline)

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