
What happens in Vegas...

Why do I go to Vegas? I hate it there. The smoke and all the bells and whistles and lights give me an instant migraine. After 2 days in Vegas, I feel like I need 4 on a beach, breathing clean air to purge my body of the crud. The day before I left for Vegas, I went to Urgent Care and dealt with a sinus and ear thing that was going on. They irrigated my ear (that's a pain I don't ever want to feel again) and sent me off with some spray. So yeah, I'm not a happy girl right now. Sore throat, cough, nose, ear, head thing.

So the Vegas event... I sampled some new products that I'll be telling you about in the future. I hung out with some pals, made some new ones, we took a lot of pics and laughed a lot. The evidence...

I went to a great session by Dr. Yoni Freedoff (Weighty Matters) I really enjoyed. He went over all the traditionally held diet myths and blew them out of the water. Dr. Freedoff has a book coming out next year I believe. Trust me you'll want to buy it. Here's my favorite slide from his presentation...


You may NEVER be what a BMI chart says you should be (BMI charts are whack) but if you are making healthy choices in food, moving your body, working on the head stuff, trying to do your best each day and enjoying those choices you are doing GREAT! IMHO.

Carnie Wilson (of Wilson Phillips) was the Keynote Speaker on Saturday night. I also donated a little extra to attend a more intimate lunch with her. She was lovely, very real (dropped a few f-bombs) made us laugh and tear up too. I enjoyed her story and I gained a new respect for her. She is fighting all the same demons many of us are fighting and she is doing it with a TMZ camera man in the bushes. She was inspiring and a highlight for me. Carnie, Dr. Freedoff's talk and seeing pals were worth the price of admission.

This event was a fundraiser for the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America (WLSFA.) The organization was created to fund surgeries for those that have been denied or have no insurance. I am someone who was turned down repeatedly for weight loss surgery, even though I had a BMI of 54 and I was told by my doctors that the painful, debilitating, and life threatening conditions impacting my health would be potentially relieved and that having weight loss surgery was the best option for me. I understand that pain and hopelessness. I remember sitting in a parking lot crying when I received my insurance denial letter. I was devastated. You guys know my story. I ended up self-paying. It took me months of saving to get the money together to go to Mexico alone and have open RNY in June 2006. I was scared but I knew it was something I had to do. Weight loss surgery saved my life.

I was asked by my friend Beth to join her and another pal Nicole on stage to present a check for $1000 to the WLSFA. These were monies raised by a group I belong to on Facebook. The WLSFA accepted the donation, among a few other donations and the evening continued. It's my understanding that the donation was returned and my friend (and her husband who was not in attendance) has been banned from attending future events. Not sure what happened with that?! In any community, there will be different personalities, not everyone needs to be pals, I am certain not everyone thinks I am the cat's pajamas but personal feelings about members of the community should NEVER cloud the mission and goal of helping people receive the lifesaving gift of weight loss surgery. It's too important.

Well... on a happier note. I actually lost a pound in Vegas. All that walking I guess. I had a pair of cute pink high heel shoes on to meet Carnie. They were really torture devices. I ended up with HUGE blisters. I am a flip flop girl. I am not meant to wear heels and I here and now vow I will never torture myself again. So if you see me in a pretty dress at a future event and look down and see flip flops you will know why.

Speaking of hanging out in the future. Whatcha doing in August? or October? Come hang out with me.

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