
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...

1. Motivational thought for the week:

2.  Plan ahead: The Obesity Action Coalition put out this great video invite for the Your Weight Matters National Convention being held this October. I'd like to share with you. I hope it encourages you to attend. I will be there. Hope to meet some of you! The agenda is AMAZING.

Oh and if you have questions or want to join the discussion about the event, the OAC has an event Facebook page. I can't wait to hang out. Since it's October there will be a costume party too :) I might have to break out my favorite costume!

3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:

Gastric bypass patients keep the weight off: 2 year study - Bottom-line: Weight loss surgery is only the first step in a lifetime battle. Every day it is up to us to continue to fight (healthy eating choices, moving the body, working on the head.) FOREVER.

All 7 episodes of the University of California series, "The Skinny on Obesity" are now available online.

and a few of WLSers made the papers...

Head injury and sudden weight loss blamed for sudden change in personality at time of theft - You've heard of the Twinkie Defense? How about the Weight Loss Surgery Defense?
Steakhouse offers post-surgery weight-loss menu - This is too cool. The chef is a fellow WLSer. If you are in New Jersey be sure to show him some love.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey Lauren Manzo on Weight Loss Surgery (Lap-band) - Best wishes to Lauren.
Texas teen loses more than 150 pounds with gastric bypass - Amazing transformation.
19-Year-Old says gastric bypass surgery changed her life - Awesome.

4. Spotted these on the shelf the other day. Thought they were an easy grab and go high protein breakfast option. I bought all 3 flavors. Not sure if they have more.

Alta Dena Fit to Go Cottage Cheese with Strawberry
Serving Size: 1 container 5 oz, Calories: 140, Fat: 2.5 g, Carbs: 15 g, Protein: 14 g

Alta Dena Fit to Go Cottage Cheese Small Curd with Pineapple
Serving Size: 1 container 5 oz, Calories: 130, Fat: 2.5 g, Carbs: 13 g, Protein: 14 g

Alta Dena Fit to Go Cottage Cheese Small Curd with Cucumber and Dill
Serving Size: 1 container 5 oz, Calories: 110, Fat: 2.5 g, Carbs: 6 g, Protein: 16 g

5. In celebration of my blog's birthday (6 year's this month, WOW I talk a lot), my weight loss surgery anniversary (June 20th, also 6 years), and my birthday (June 28th, 41 years, ummm did I say 41, I mean 29) be sure to check out the BIG GIVEAWAY STARTING NEXT WEEK.

Shelly's Strawberry Protein Ice Cream Cake

Oh one more cool thing... The World According to Eggface Facebook Page reached a milestone this week: 8000 LIKES :) I am honored to be on this journey with all of you. Thanks for never letting me feel alone.

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