
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...

1. The WLSFA Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America Meet & Greet is just 20 days away. Hope to meet some of you there. If you are going to be attending give me a shout in the comments or by email so we can be sure to say hey! If you want to learn more about the WLSFA's efforts or the Meet & Greet 411 (tickets are still available) CLICK HERE. If you are wondering why you should go? Here are 3 reasons:

To MAKE SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS: Support is absolutely key to success in my opinion. No one understands this crazy, awesome, scary, exhilarating, wonderful ride like others that have gone through it. No one understands the pain of obesity as well either. Events give you an opportunity to surround yourself with supportive people that understand you, help celebrate your successes and give you a kick in the toosh when needed. That is priceless. I have met the best people at WLS events...

For MOTIVATION: After attending one of these events, meeting everyone, hearing their awesome stories you really leave re-energized about your healthy lifestyle choices.

To LEARN and SCORE FREE STUFF: Most events offer some educational opportunities or speakers on topics related to issues we would be interested in. There are also tons of great companies sharing samples of weight loss surgery friendly products... want to try CLICK they will be there, wonder what Celebrate Vitamins taste like they will be there, want to see a Lauren's Hope Medical ID up close and personal they will be there. I always come back with a swag bag full of new stuff to try.

Oh and BONUS reason to go... I just heard the Billboard Music Awards are being held the same weekend we are there so hopefully we'll spot some celebs and musicians too. Ummm Adam Levine... call me ;)

2. I am absolutely addicted to making zucchini pasta. Last night's dinner: Zucchini pasta and clams. 4 small zucchini, 1/2 cup Progresso White Clam Sauce, 1 can chopped Clams, Fresh Basil, Oregano, S&P. Nuke 10 minutes. I sprinkled mine with Parmesan.

3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:

Many First-Graders Shun Overweight, Obese Kids - :(
Gut organisms could be clue in controlling obesity risk
Is Obesity the New Acceptable Discrimination?
Beating obesity - a GREAT story about my pal Barb Beck
and be sure to check out the University of California's great 7 part video series, "The Skinny on Obesity" (episode 1 & 2 available now)

4. See a pin and pick it up all the day you'll have good luck. Are you on Pinterest? I am. Let's be pals. Beware though... Pinterest is ADDICTING and 5 minutes can easily become 50 so proceed with caution. I love it, a sea of pretty images and inspiration galore. If you need an invite hit me up.

Other places to find me in cyberspace...


and The World According to Eggface has an Amazon store. Purchases made through the links on the left <-- or through the store front generate a small % that helps the blog continue doing it's thang. Thanks for your support.

5. A slurp GREAT GIVEAWAY begins today! Check back in a bit I'm writing that post now.