
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...

1. Excited to be working with Lauren's Hope Medical Jewelry on a few upcoming projects including this: 10% off Eggface blog reader discount code just in time for holiday shopping.

After gastric bypass surgery it's important to wear a medical alert bracelet to alert first responders in an emergency of our special post-op issues and rearranged guts. Obviously the info you place on your bracelet will vary but as an FYI most post gastric bypass bracelets say:

Gastric Bypass
No Blind NG Tubes
Contact Phone #'s

My bracelet also has info about my allergy to Penicillin. Some medical id bracelets are so clinical looking but these are gorgeous as well as lifesaving. The medical tag with the important good stuff is is clearly able to be seen when taking your pulse (EMTs are trained to look for them) and the bracelet is a stylish jewelry piece you actually want to wear or give as gifts. I love mine. I get so many compliments.

Watch for a giveaway soon!

2. Have you seen this? In an effort to support this year’s National School Lunch Week, The University of Southern California Masters in Teaching program created an infographic (click to expand), "The Childhood Obesity Epidemic." Scary, scary stuff.

Childhood Obesity Epidemic Infographic

3. For those of you that have or had diabetes be sure to read this, the first long-term, controlled, prospective study on the effects of gastric bypass surgery on diabetes. It's good news: the study shows significant long-term benefits.

4. I may be the owner of a cat again. It's been a few years since my Rose passed (I had her 21 years) and I have been hesitating to adopt another fur baby but it looks like one might have adopted me. A weak, malnourished black cat under a year showed up meowing 3 days ago. I asked around and no one knows who it's people are. I fed him, ummm her (I need to figure that detail out) and it hasn't left the doorstep much since other than to bring me a lizard as gift (gee thanks.)

5. I made these yummy Ghostly treats the other night...

Fresh Strawberries dipped in Sugar-Free White Chocolate (Amber Lyn Chocolate they often do Costco Road Shows in the Western US) with 2 Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip (Hershey's found at Walmart) eyes. Almost too cute to eat... almost ;) Nom.