
Cool Product Alert - Roasted Edamame

Seapoint Farms Lightly Salted Roasted Edamame

I heart these little suckers. I didn't at first but seriously they grow on you. Crunchy and nutty. A few satisfies my nut/salty snack mix cravings with less fat and carbs. A good thing too is 12 or so and my jaw is aching and less is always good.

You can eat them as a snack on there own or sprinkle on a salad for a boost of lowfat protein. These are a great on-the-go snack. Toss a handful in a Ziploc baggie in your purse.

They also come in Wasabi flavor for those who like it hot. Locally I bought them at Baron's Marketplace and Sprouts. Here is an online source.

Roasted Edamame (aka Soy Nuts, Roasted Soybeans) are a super source of protein, containing all 8 essential amino acids. One serving provides 14 grams of soy protein and only 2 net carbohydrates.

Nutritional Information:

Serving size – 1/4 cup
Calories per serving – 130
Total fat – 4g
Sodium – 150mg
Total carbohydrate – 10g (8g fiber, 1g sugars)
Protein – 14g

WARNING: Creatures great and small love these. I was once attacked by a pack of wild squirrels for my roasted edamame. So proceed with caution.