
Boxing Day (belated)

OMG totally took advantage of Boxing Day... I finally went through my book boxes in the garage and literally donated half of them... dropped them off yesterday at the thrift so someone else can begin enjoying them. I could probably purge again but I'll leave that for another day. Plus I don't think the shocks on my little car could have taken another bag of books. When we moved here I had so much to do... think about... I just packed a lot without sorting. Papers, old memories, college years stuff. I finally went through it all. Some I couldn't understand why I kept. Some were totally treasures from my childhood, teen years, college years. I laughed so much looking through everything... yeah cried a bit too. I purged a lot. My trash is exploding this week!!! Oh if anyone wants a scary read of how I spent the 90's I tossed all my diaries... come on down and pic through my trash :) I read through every page before I decided to toss them but... some years are better left to memory. A paper record of a crappy relationship is not something I want to treasure forever. I did save all the concert ticket stubs and pictures... the fun times.

Highlights of what I found in my boxes:

* 3 Journals from the 1st grade... Hilarious. All my animal drawings look the same and wear shoes
* A great picture of my niece Melissa and I when we were little (I've got to make a copy for her)
* A collection of love notes (when love was simple and pure... I don't sound too jaded do I)
* A great picture of Barbara all doll'ed up (make-up and all)
* A heart shaped stone and cool crystal
* A bunch of photos of my cats as kittens and my cat RIP Arthur

There's more but I was jazzed about these the most.

Listening to: "Clarity" John Mayer