
Wiki your birthday

Go to Wikipedia and look up your birth day (excluding the year). List three or four neat facts, two births and one death in your journal, including the year. Mine: June 28th

1838 - The coronation of Victoria of the United Kingdom
1894 - Labor Day becomes an official US holiday
1938 - A 450 metric ton meteorite struck the earth in an empty field near Chicora, Pennsylvania
1997 - Boxer Mike Tyson is disqualified from WBA title re-match, for biting off part of the ear of his opponent Evander Holyfield

1577 - Peter Paul Rubens, Belgian painter (painted fat chicks like me!!)
1966 - John Cusack, American actor (ahhh, lust lust!)

2004 - Mattie Stepanek, American poet (b. 1990)